The Ex Finance Minister of Greece and currently a Political Leader of the Party "Mera 25" in Parliament

Although the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Greece is no more than 175 billion Euros, all of a sudden on the official State Budget for the year 2015, an amount of more than 500 billion euros has ‘magically’ appeared and has been appearing until today in 2020.

Citizens have been asking officials to explain where such an amount came from but they avoid answering the question.

One such occasion happened in Sydney on February 28, 2020 when Mr. Varoufakis was asked the same question and avoided it completely, simply replying "Give my regards to Sorras"!

Let’s not fool ourselves! They all know the source of this sum and that is why none of their replies are ever consistent. Many simply turn away. 

The 600 billion USD is in the name of the “Sovereign Democracy of Ellas”. This means the people themselves as they are the Sovereign. Evidently, there is a clear distinction between the "Sovereign" people and the Hellenic Republic. To our surprise, the Hellenic Republic is actually a private corporation with its headquarters in New York as we can see here:

The “Hellenic Republic” (Government) is supposed to represent the orders (Entoli) of the Greek Sovereign people. Instead, they represent the interests of the foreign banking elite and the shadows behind them, placing Ellas (Greece) further and further into oblivion, destroying every sense of Hellenism and leading its people towards extinction.

Yanis Varoufakis has proven to be just another pawn like the rest of the Parliamentarians who don't serve the interests of the Greek people. If he did, he would have made use of the 600 billion for their benefit. He was personally informed by Artemis Sorras about the 600 billion proposal back in 2015 when he was the Minister of Finance, explaining how it is his duty to make use of these funds for the benefit of the people and to cease the memorandums that had been driving Greece deeper and deeper into poverty, suicide and ruin. Mr. Sorras even removed the two conditions that came with the original proposal to make it easier for the Parliamentarians. Of course, it was entirely ignored by Mr. Varoufakis as well. 

The first page of the proposal can be seen below:

All Political Parties, including Varoufakis' new party - "Mera 25", all coconspire against YOU the Greek citizen! They have always been against YOU and will continue to be against YOU until you are eliminated. They have nothing Greek about them. 

Do your own research. Don't "believe" anything. It is a time of "Knowing" and the rebirth of true knowledge.

Themistoklis Ioakimidis


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